Love Your Letters


Yesterday I talked about using your handwriting to create a visual, and today I’m adding a twist – creating letters with some intention.

comparison-thief-joyAs a long time letterist this is something that comes fairly easily for me. I’ve studied calligraphy with many renowned calligraphers and over the years I have just enjoyed changing up the style of my writing. And…

Comparison is the thief of joy. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

I get many compliments on my handwriting and lettering, and even get paid to make my letters some times. But I don’t pretend to be a professional and have all too often compared myself with fine calligraphers and thought less of my letters for it. Playing with letters gives me great joy so I try to let go of the comparison and just have fun.

That is what I’d like for you: the opportunity to play with letters with joy and abandon.

We are on this #musingsadventure for ourselves creating tiny ephemeral pieces, so no matter how you feel each square works out – just let go and have some fun!

Block Lettering Play

Block Lettering Play


Here are some ideas to play with:

garden Play with scale – making a word or two larger and then pen some details with smaller writing and other doodles
Add thickness to certain words by creating a double line for each letter zoom
Tales-ofLife Make block letters for a word or two
Find a logo you like and copy it LogoLettering


Play with the same word intermittently trying out different lettering styles and ideas. I love musing about my time in my studio and below are some examples of playing with this word in a number of different ways.


Hand lettering (along with coloring) is hot right now so lettering references abound. Find some reference resources like lettering books, font sites, online lettering examples, magazines – and then copy the letters.

Below are two books I refer to quite often. The one on the left I bought online a few years ago – it has all sorts of quirky & fun letter ideas (that is where I came up with the idea for the mermaid S in the image above)!! The one on the right I found at a garage sale years ago and it was originally published in 1946!


Please don’t let the references intimidate you. My intention here is fun and simple lettering play. So if you start looking at references, remember – don’t let comparison steal your joy.

BasicLetteringLastly, I want to share two basic exemplars I’ve created (I know some of you may already have them from past musings adventures 🙂
Click here to download the printable two page PDF that you can use for reference while you’re lettering.

Enjoy your lettering play, and I’ll see you tomorrow!




stickers-journalP.S. Don’t forget about the giveaways! Each day between now and Thursday I’ll be giving away the stickers that come with the Musings Adventure Journal (one sheet of each — see image to the left). To be eligible just leave a comment on the daily post. For today’s entry please share how playing with your letters went for you 🙂 You can also enter (or for an extra entry) by sharing your lettering play square on Instagram using the hashtag#musingsadventure – tag me, too, @lisa_deyoung. Be sure to reference musings adventure lettering play in your description, too. I’d love to see what you create! [Winners for each day will be chosen on Saturday May 28.]


P.S.S. If you haven’t ordered your Musings Adventure Journal yet, feel free to hop on over here to check out all the details and get yours today!

And if you haven’t signed up for the May Mini Musings Adventure and you want to play along – check out the deets here.


Filed under Creative Play, Creativity, Daily Musings Journal, Journaling, Lettering, Mini Musings Adventure 5-2016, Musings Adventure

4 responses to “Love Your Letters

  1. Debra Marrs

    I enjoyed being reminded to be intentional with my lettering today, Lisa. Thanks for this nurturing advice. I’m often not very satisfied with my own lettering, and often I’m unwilling to slow down and make it anything other than my own handwriting. So this prompt was a great one for intentional practice. Thank you!

  2. Elaine Scott

    I wondered why artists would do a series of art work on one object, landscape, etc. Now that makes more sense as my brain ponders an idea or object over time and I let myself express it in words or drawings again and again. How refreshing to see I don’t have to get the letters ‘right’ the first time.

  3. I hate and love this prompt! I’m a perfectionist so it is tough to just let go and letter, but this prompt allowed me to just write the words I wanted to without comparing or judging my work! So not normal for me! Thank you!

  4. Teresa

    when I was a teen, I created my own alphabet using swirls and points. I so enjoy seeing your lettering and will enjoy creating some more of my own

I always love to hear from you!