Golden Aspens to Grape Stomping

Aspens in St. Elmo

Aspens in St. Elmo

This season has definitely been feeling like autumn in my neck of the woods – warm days, cool evenings mixed with some chilly days and chilly evenings. We’ve had the range — including precipitation.

Fortunately Tim & I have had the opportunity to get out and enjoy some of this range, with this adventure bike ride to experience the golden aspens and the high country in all their fall glory.


Pedaling along the Continental Divide Trail

The weather showed us something different as we pedaled along the Double Rainbow trail, closer to home, the next day.


The colors in this rainbow were so intense, and the rain held off until we were back at home.

Later that day we participated in another fall tradition around here.


Grape Stomp at Vino Salida Wine Cellars is one of my favorite traditions. I love knowing my feet were in the grapes of the wine I drink the next year. We got to pick up our case of 2013 Stomp Syrah and order our 2014 case, too!


Oh Lucy…

And there was also the silliness as we were hard at work making wine…


While I love the beauty of the fall, my body is not quite sure. My soul is feeling tender as the weather changes towards winter and the nights grow longer – as I begin to reflect on the year that is coming to a close. I am trying to learn to be gentle with myself during these transition times – adding layers when I head out to play even if it feels a bit silly; wearing my fingerless gloves as I start my day in the studio; making tea in the evening;  (trying to) take time to allow the reflections to wash through me.

The view across the valley on yesterday's solo jaunt into the Arkansas Hills

The view across the valley on yesterday’s solo jaunt into the Arkansas Hills

The weather is supposed to be warm & sunny this coming weekend, but I know the tenderness of reflection will persist.

How do the changing seasons affect your tender soul? Reflecting on all that life has brought this past year – remember that you are beautiful, you are enough! And thank you for being part of my life.




2015DMJ-cover-3D_smP.S. The 2015 Daily Musings Journal is coming! And the Early Bird Pre-order special has begun. Click here to learn more, and please spread the Daily Musings love.

1 Comment

Filed under Daily Musings Journal, Everyday Adventure, Joy, Nature, Outdoor Adventure

One response to “Golden Aspens to Grape Stomping

  1. Cyndi Hart

    I love your “Aspens in St Elmo” pic. Want to “sample” some of that Stomped by Lisa Vino!

I always love to hear from you!