Don’t be afraid of the “D” word

Daily that is!

AugSprd-4_smIf you want to take a wander through my daily musings journey check out my video here.


I am honestly not good at doing much of anything but eating, sleeping and brushing my teeth on a daily basis. All those daily challenges that are shared online intimidate me – make me feel not enough!

I don’t even  create daily in my Daily Musings Journal!

But it is regular enough that it feels like a solid, beautiful practice.
I make it play to capture a bit of my day. And I try to make it every day, but I’m not perfect.
Some times it is the next morning and some times I have to play catch-up.
Some days, some weeks feel more inspired than others (isn’t that the way life goes, too:)
Even if I leave a square blank, that is still OK. I can always go back and create a doodle that has nothing to do with that day. I will certainly remember, probably with a chuckle, that this is what I did!

And there is more to the Daily Musings Journal than just musing daily.


You can play any time on any of the musings sheets, and for 2015 I’ve added a few more of them,

and also some fun color-in pages…


I hope you’ll join the 2015 daily musings journey. Or gift it to a friend 🙂 Click here to learn more and to get yours today!





P.S. It feels funny to be writing “salesy” copy on my blog, but I realized as I was creating this post that getting the Daily Musings Journal, my baby, out into the world is a big part of my creative adventures right now! And I hope you feel the daily musings love come through. Thanks for being part of these adventures with me, whether you decide to join the daily musings journey or not 🙂

P.S.S. Exciting News: The 2015 Daily Musings Journal is now available in a few fine retail establishments in Aspen, BoulderSalida, Colorado

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Filed under Creativity, Daily Musings Journal, Inspiration, Journaling, Joy, Lettering, Playing

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