Simple Pleasure: Pedaling About Town

Woman riding her commuter bike in the small mountain town of Salida, Colorado, USA

Jamie Ridler has prompted me to think about simple pleasures lately (it is the creative living theme over at Jamie Ridler Studios this month).

A bicycle has been a constant in my life ever since I can remember. I actually have three bicycles that I ride regularly (mountain, road and town), and for me there is nothing grander than the wind in my face as I pedal about town.


– down to the river, over to the library, to visit friends, or along the bike path.

pedaling1What are some simple pleasures you enjoy?

Lisa – aka the mountain mermaid

Photo Credit: top photo by Mark Weidman


Filed under Everyday Adventure, Joy, My Salida Backyard

2 responses to “Simple Pleasure: Pedaling About Town

  1. i just bought a vintage suburban schwinn! i have been riding again for a week. i told my husband that it makes me so happy and the feeling of freedom is amazing.

    yes. the simple things.

  2. Looks like a wonderful place to pedal about. Look at that gorgeous sky. Today’s simple pleasure was the fresh juice that I made with beets, carrots, celery, greens, cukes, green apples, and pears….delish!

    cheers to simple pleasures.

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