Engage Creative Play


This post, which I wanted to be about creative play, started life when I took the photo (above) of a few of my journals. I cropped it and then saved it into a folder I had named EngageCreativePlay. It struck in that moment that this might work well as the title for the post.

Like many of you, I’m guessing, my life is very full and in order to fit in creative play which I love, I need to engage with it.
If I don’t at least show up and engage with the process then creative play is just a nice idea that I want to “do”.

I have to admit I am not always the most consistent in this regard. Some times I show up and some times I don’t.
I am relaxing into this – this realization that it doesn’t matter if I show up every day or at some specified time.

For me this life has truly become about being in the present moment as much as I can possibly be. Not showing up only matters if I let it. And I tend to let it when I’m disappointed with myself when the time I’d imagined I’d spend engaged with creative play was spent on something I wasn’t really present for.

I wonder if any of you can relate to this?

Although I have what I often call an “art journal” (it makes an appearance on the right hand side of the photo above), this year my Daily Musings Journal  has turned into a place where I love to engage my creative play. This container provides me a great space for bite-size creative play. As a person who wants to create and who also has a very full life – this is perfect!


Can you relate?

My Daily Musings Journal has also created a beautiful log of my journey this year – a log I enjoy looking back on to see what I was thinking, feeling, doing in a particular space and time.

Breathe-justBreatheIt often offers good reminders of lessons I learned along the way – that I need to learn and remember again & again.

Do you enjoy journaling but often don’t carve out the time?

In August I’ll be offering an e-adventure called Doodle Days of Summer Musings Adventure. It will provide you tips and techniques for fun bite-sized creative play.

It will include a printable version of the Daily Musings Journal month of August, as well as weekly tips and techniques for your bite-sized creative play. Oh, and did I mention it will be fr*e!

If this sounds like something you’d love to try be sure to stay tuned here; or sign up for my monthly mermaid tales to be the first to find out when registration opens (in just a few weeks:)

In the meantime I am wishing you a happy summer!





Filed under Creativity, Daily Musings Journal, Inspiration, Journaling, Lettering, mixed media, Playing

2 responses to “Engage Creative Play

  1. Debra Marrs

    Aww… I love seeing your journals and your play-in-progress, Lisa. The way you’re using your Daily Musings Journal is intriguing. I look forward to what we’ll be doing in August. Sounds fab!

  2. This is so inspiring! I can’t wait to get my hands on the Daily Musings journal for 2016! Keep up the great work…

I always love to hear from you!