Letters & Lines; Words & Color


I hope each of you are having fun doodling. I have seen so many awesome doodles on Instagram #doodledays #musingsadventure. Thank you to each of you who are sharing what you are creating in and around the musings squares.

I’m having fun, too, and I have a confession to make…or maybe a few.

Confession 1: I’m generally not a weekend online person (and this weekend was no exception). I had been feeling a bit lame for not posting any doodles over the weekend (and I did intend to post via Instagram which I sometimes do on the weekends).

Monday at my yoga therapy class my takeaway was let go of could, should, would.

So that is what I did when I got home. I have made it the top doodle here – and I hope it will inspire you to let go of your could, should, would – and just enjoy the doodling when you get to it.

I also hope this doodle helps to illustrate some of the fun ways to play with letters, words, lines & colors.


I made a trek to the city over the weekend. Living in a big mountain/river valley with a total population of around 17,000, this is always a big adventure for this mountain mermaid – including three hours of driving each way, and lots of traffic that I’m not used to!

But it was worth it. My main motivation for the trek was to attend Containers for Connection: 10 Letters Project with Jen Lee.

It was a lovely intimate & creative gathering and I left feeling inspired and with this question in mind:

What is the best Container for my Creativity and Connection? 

I thought you might enjoy contemplating this question, too.

SteamEspressoBar_400Confession 2: I use pencil when I’m drawing letters some times – and this is the case for Steam.

Steam was the eclectic espresso bar I found for my Sunday morning latte. It’s always a treat to explore new cafés. After seeing the beautiful sign over their door, I had to play with my suggestion (from my last post) to copy logo lettering.



After creating the logo — what to do with the rest of the square? The small writing is really just a bunch of blah, blah, blah documenting the day, but I love the texture it created to finish off the square.



Confession 3: I’m feeling a bit confused. I have a Doodle Days print out to create in, and I also have my year-long Daily Musings Journal. I had a thought that I would use each in different ways, but I have not found my way with this. After creating by Doodle Days square for the 2nd I wasn’t sure what to do in my bound journal. As you can see, above, this is what came out. It helps me to remember what I told you in the last post – the only way to get it wrong is to not show up!

There is not a right or wrong way to do this. The most important aspect is to have fun!

Last Confession: I did not do my homework properly for the Linky Tools sharing. WordPress.com does not except javascript so there is not a great way to share through my current blog platform. Mea Culpa!

I am going try something a little bit different…I have created a page on my mountain mermaid studios website for sharing your blog. Here you can also meet other doodling bloggers and make new friends. Click here to add your blog and/or meet new doodling friends. Thank you for allowing me this learning curve.

And lastly – on Friday be sure to visit our first doodling guest Kiala Givehand. I know she will have lots of doodling inspiration. Click here to find her blog. To see the rest of the blog party schedule, click here.

And I’ll see you back here next Wednesday. Enjoy your doodling!




Filed under Creativity, Daily Musings Journal, Doodle Days Musings Adventure, Entrepreneurship, Inspiration, Journaling, Lettering

4 responses to “Letters & Lines; Words & Color

  1. betgee

    Love this doodling adventure! As I look around for things to doodle, I’m discovering new things that I had not seen before.

  2. I’ve been thinking I needed a kick start for my creativity. I think this doodling might be just what I need. Thanks for offering it.

  3. Debra Marrs

    Having a blast recording my days via doodles. Thanks for creating this opportunity, Lisa.

  4. Pingback: Harvest Days, Doodle Days

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