Embrace the Space


This summer my virtual assistance client work has been quieter than in the past few summers. Although this has made me feel a bit nervous…like I should be rushing around looking for more work, I’m choosing to

Embrace the SPACE

You see – it is my dream to put more of my creative work out into the world, and to share the Daily Musings Journal with more creative souls like you.

In order to do that I needed to muster the courage to put it out there in a bigger way. When the idea for the Doodle Days {of Summer} Musings Adventure came to me as I was working with Kiala Givehand during her Create an Amazing E-Course course (Kiala was our guest blogger last Friday – check out her post and fun video HERE for some more doodling inspiration), I found the support (and therefore the courage) to move forward.

So here we are in week two of the Doodle Days Musings Adventure and I’m in complete awe by the number of you who have embraced space to doodle in August with me. I am soaking in your enthusiasm for doodling, and turning it into courage to continue to

Embrace the SPACE

the universe has given me to create and share.


Aug9Doodle_450I have loved to play on paper for as long as I can remember. Even before ink seeped into my blood when I printed personalized stationery right out of college, I loved to doodle letters & lines, marks & color. I have no formal art school training, but I have taken many classes and workshops over the years.

These have informed the chronicling of my adventures – the ordinary and the extra-ordinary; in literal and esoteric ways – over the years. And I have learned that it is the process of playing on paper that fuels me, not the goal of a finished piece.

Consistency has never been my forté with any creative practice. And over the years I have learned that the ebbs and flows are there for a reason, and are perfectly fine (most days I embrace this outlook, but I admit I still have days where I beat myself up with my not enough bat.)

This adventure has pushed my doodle practice, yes. And more than that – this adventure is forcing me to work on my sharing practice – showing up as I am to share.

This, my friends, is the most challenging part of this adventure for me. I embrace this space, too, in the adventure as I learn – both on the {yoga} mat and off  – to BE with what is.

(These doodle tidbits form a great reminder, that’s easy to look back on, of the way I want to be in the world.)

Whew – all this deep learning from the fun of doodling!

Thank you for embracing space for this doodle adventure. I encourage you to BE with what is as you continue – and to have some DOODLE FUN whenever you find the space.


Thanks to all of those who let me know why you love to doodle. Mairim is the winner of the September-December 2015 Daily Musings Journal PDF. There are more chances to win at each Friday blog stop along the way – and I’ll be giving away a printed edition of the 2016 Daily Musings Journal on my last Doodle Days blog post on August 28.

Be sure to visit Teresa Robinson, aka stargardener, at rightbrainplanner.com this coming Friday, August 14 – for more doodle inspiration and another chance to win the September-December 2015 Daily Musings Journal PDF.

Click here to add your blog on the link share page and meet other doodling bloggers.

Thanks so much for going on this adventure!




doodle-daysAug6-8_300P.S. It’s NEVER too late to start doodling. Click here to sign-up for the Doodle Days [of Summer] Musings Adventure and join the doodle fun!



Filed under Creative Play, Creativity, Daily Musings Journal, Doodle Days Musings Adventure, Entrepreneurship, Inspiration, Journaling, Lettering

2 responses to “Embrace the Space

  1. I’m doodlin’ merrily away! 😉 ♥

  2. LOVED this post, Lisa. So much wisdom packed up in so much fun, it’s amazing. Thank you for inspiring us to create, play and thrive.

I always love to hear from you!