Believe in Your Big Vision


…even when you’re not sure

exactly what it looks like!

When I sat down to play in my January Journey Within journal this past weekend, this just flowed out of my brush.

I just began the Right Brain Business Plan Facilitated ECourse, and this past week we were to begin working on our big vision.


I had created a big vision accordion piece last spring (above),
and felt stuck at the prospect of creating a new big vision.


Then I did the visualization exercise for the class hoping to get ‘unstuck’. These journaling musings (left)  came easily, especially the doodles, after listening to Jen’s visualization.

I decided I’m not quite done with my vision board from last year, but there was something more I needed to keep me motivated to follow through in this class. Because I want and need to complete more of the very useful, and creative, business exercises in order to move forward with my mountain mermaid studios vision – even if I don’t know exactly what it looks like:)

I also decided to let myself be OK with not really knowing exactly what my big vision looks like. I know I’ve got a lot of moving parts that I feel committed to:

I also have a bunch of other projects in my heart that I hope to bring to life one day.

And in the mean time there is LIFE – the here and now to be enjoyed…including this process of creating my big vision.
So super important to remember this part – that this moment is all we really have.

PossibilitiesVisionPackage_smTo keep me organized in a visual and fun way I created a “collage package” – that can house the different course exercises I’ll work on, and remind me that life is packed with possibilities for





even if I don’t know exactly what it all looks like!

And also remind me that creating, playing and thriving in the process is what life is really all about.

So I continue on this journey as an entrepreneur, remembering to take my days to play along the way. And make the process of creating my big vision as joy-filled and playful as possible, too.

How about you? Do you know what your big vision looks like? Can you relax into not knowing exactly and joy the process of creating anyway?

I’d love to hear about your journey!




P.S. If you like the look of the musings page I shared above, join my mountain mermaid community and you’ll receive a PDF of this musings play sheet to do your own big vision musing…or whatever musing you feel inspired to:)

P.S.S. We have a winner of the 2016 Daily Musings Journal: Bernice. Thank you to each of you that stopped by and liked my new mountain mermaid studios facebook page. I hope it will continue to inspire you!


1 Comment

Filed under Art & Design, Creative Play, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Inspiration, Journaling, Joy, Lettering, Playing

One response to “Believe in Your Big Vision

  1. Deb Dinin

    My vision for 2016 is simple and ongoing: patient, practice and play!

I always love to hear from you!